Healing Words - Speaking Life Into Generations
Dec. 30, 2024

Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap
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Generational Turnaround Podcast

In this episode, Judy Ambrose tackles the vital topic of bridging the gap between parents and children through the power of Healing Words. Drawing from her own life and experiences, Judy shares insights from her book, Healing Words: Speaking Life Into Generations - A Parent's Guide, and explains how God's wisdom reveals that true generational turnaround can only occur through the intentional use of healing language. She offers compelling examples of how healing words can restore relationships, break cycles of negativity, and nurture growth within families. Judy also provides practical, real-life examples of the transformative impact of speaking life into the hearts of the next generation, helping parents understand how their words can shape the future of their children. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on the power of words to heal, uplift, and change lives for generations to come.